Friday, February 29, 2008

Fell off the horse...again

I had a rough couple of days with school and didn't work out at all. I didn't feel like doing anything, but sit! I decided first thing this morning that I had to get "back on the horse" again. I came back from my paper route and got on the treadmill. I am so happy too. I pushed through to jog non-stop for a mile and a half!!! I wanted so badly to push through to 2 miles, but I was already tired from getting up at 3 am. I am getting there though. My goal is to 2 miles without stopping. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

I have had an "on again, off again" kind of week, but I am finally making progress. I am down about 14 pounds!! I am noticing that my jeans are a tad looser, but when I look at myself I am not seeing much of a change. I have been pushing myself to stay on the treadmill longer and to jog more of the time I am on it. I have cheated on my eating several times this week, but instead of punishing myself I just got back to eating right the next meal. Today I got on the treadmill shortly after getting up, before I ate breakfast, just like my new book on weight loss says to do. I pushed though to 450 calories and stayed on for 1 hr. I do notice that if I work out before breakfast that I am not very hungry afterwards. So even though it is baby steps towards getting healthy it is working.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Slacked off for two days...

So, I slacked off for two days. I didn't work out on Tuesday night, because I was up to my ears in my clinical paperwork. Wednesday night I was more concerned with taking care of little man before his surgery and then I had to take little Miss to my friends house for the night. Thank you Stella!!!
Today I knew I had to attempt to make up for lost progress. I just "got back on the horse" and worked out for an hour and burned 500 calories!!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Haven't been writing...

At first I felt like I had to write everyday to keep motivated, but I am finding I like to write about it less and less, but am still working out regardless. I worked out yesterday for about 30 mins and today I worked out twice. I try to work out twice a day on the weekends to make up for my clinical days. I often come home too stressed or have too much paperwork to do to have time to stop for 30 mins or more. Today I worked out and burned a total of 700 calories. I really pushed myself with my seond work out and it felt damn good too!! Of course, by the time I was done my legs were like jelly!! I am looking into getting some sort of weight bench. I am find that just doing the treadmill is becoming too routine and I would like to shake it up a bit with weights. I love lifting, I always have. That would be why I am cursed with huge arms!! I also know that the fastest way to get into shape and lose weight is to lift weights and do cardio. So time to step up this getting healthy plan of mine. Now I am on the search for a good weight bench that won't make us broke.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I did it!

I finally worked up to 1 mile on the treadmill with out stopping. That is I jogged a mile non-stop!!! I am so happy :)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Naughty girl

I decided that I had to undo the damage I did with a very high calorie snack tonight. I have been a very good girl, but tonight I was a tad stressed and decided to de-stress with food. NOT a good idea. I felt totally guilty as soon as I finished. So instead of feeling defeated I got my butt on the treadmill for 50 mins., went 3 miles, and burned about 400 calories. I tell you what I was beat when I was done and just thought...was that snack worth all the effort for two minutes on my lips??? Ugh that sinful food!!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

weight loss

So my motivation is back again for the moment. I did do like I said I would, I got back on last night and measured how far I could jog without stopping. I got about .6 of a mile!! I know that doesn't seem like much, but when I started I could go for about a minute and a half and I felt like I would die. I will work at it, until I get up to 2 miles without stopping! I used to be able to do that about three years ago. I can get there again.
This morning I got right up and did a few things around the house, then I got on the treadmill. I want to start trying to get on it like two times a day on weekends. I find I get on way less during the week after I get home from school or clinicals. This way I know I will get a good work out in every weekend. I jogged for a mile, 1/2 at the beginning, non-stop, then I walked at a fast pace for a 1/2 mile, then I jogged again for another 1/2 mile without stopping again. It was a great work out. I went for about 45 mins. burned 350 calories, and went 2.5 miles all together. It felt dang good too. I have a goal in mind for what I am trying to accomlish now. I want to look like I did at my wedding by the time my husband comes home again. He is working out like crazy as well to look hot for me, so I will do my best to look good for him too. Mainly I am doing it for myself. I am tired of wearing shirts that you can see my back fat in and tired of having to always feel self-conscious about my size. I am not a huge woman, but I am not happy with the size I am. I feel so much better when I work out and I always wonder why it is I stop doing it. So I am not dieting, I am making life changes. As gay as that sounds it is the truth. I am not counting calories, I am just totally modifying my food intake on a daily basis.